
 The Mom Behind The Blog

If I was asked to describe myself with a single word, it would be: juggler. My life isn’t much different than yours. I was 19 when I married my barely 20 year old husband in 2005. We welcomed our first child in 2010 and our second in 2012. Our second little one happens to rock an extra 21st chromosome. We also have five little ones waiting for us in Heaven. When I’m not home with my family I worked hard taking care of others as a Registered Nurse. Our family has recently started the journey of adoption! We are currently waiting to match with an expectant family and bring home another little one.

Thank you an incredible amount for visiting.  My goal here is to share our experiences with a sense of transparency. Motherhood and life in general isn’t always easy, here is where the rose colored glasses come off and you get to see it how it is!  At times it’s exciting, heart breaking, frustrating and hilarious.  You never know what you will find on the Mommy Chronicles.

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9 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi! I’m Megan, editor of TheMighty.com. I came across your blog today and I love it. I’m reaching out because I’d like to republish your piece “Sometimes I Forget…” on The Mighty. I know our audience will relate to it so much. If you’re interested, can you shoot me an email at megan@themighty.com with a photo of yourself and a 1-4 sentence bio? Hope to hear from you. Either way, thanks for sharing your story. All my best, Megan

  2. LOVE this piece, the Truth is apparent. My daughter, now 24,wrote the lyrics to her own song which i posted a few years ago. Take a look,our perspective of life has grown with Sarah. Utube…”just my hope” by sarah b.

  3. Hi there Sherry, we’d like permission feature and republish your blog post “Sometimes I Forget…” It’s so awesome and I know our readers can relate to it. Can you send us an email letting us know if this is okay?

  4. I just had to stop by and visit your blog as I wanted to thank you for all you do. You’re an inspiration to all those who may have doubts about what life holds. Continue on dear lady and know there are people who admire you, your faith and strength.

  5. You are an amazing women an more… and amazing mum!! wish every child as especial as Gave was so lucky to have a mum like you and a family like yours! greetings from Colombia!

    1. Ingrid, thank you soooo much for your kind words. It’s amazing to hear that Gabe is “in” Columbia! I appreciate you stopping by and leaving such a sweet comment.

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